Piersilvio De Bartolomeis


I am a PhD student in the Computer Science Department at ETH Zürich, advised by Fanny Yang. Starting in September, I will be visiting the CAUSALab at Harvard University, working with Issa Dahabreh.

I earned a Data Science M.Sc. at ETH Zürich, with a strong focus on statistics and machine learning. Prior to that, I earned a Computer Science B.Sc. at Politecnico di Milano and I spent an exchange semester at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

I am broadly interested in the foundations of causality and its healthcare applications. My research centers on developing theoretically grounded machine learning methods for two primary goals: discovering new drugs and evaluating their effectiveness once released in the real world. Recently, my focus has been on the latter objective, specifically designing methods to integrate multiple data sources for treatment effect estimation in the presence of hidden confounding and other potential sources of bias.

I search for great food in my free time. Here you can find a list of my favorite restaurants around the world.